Home Fragrance Layering
How to layer your home fragrance
Fragrance blends Fragrance Layering Fragrance notes Natural Wax Candles Reed Diffusers Scented Candles Scented Soy Wax Candles
Your home is a sanctuary, a place where you can unwind, relax and escape the stresses of everyday life. Fragrance layering or scent-scaping is an art that allows you to transform your living space into your very own personalised scented haven. Simply put, you can combine scented candles, reed diffusers, wax melts and fresh flowers strategically throughout your home to create an immersive and inviting atmosphere that engages all of your senses. Consider the placement of fragrances within a room to achieve a balanced and enveloping scent. Position reed diffusers in different corners to ensure fragrance reaches every nook...